Animation Research
"Myosis" - Mostly of the contrast of smooth and stiff and then a shot of the stiff character march. Seems like a good contrast between Arya and our soldiers since she's a child and they're all hardened by war and stripped of identity. Still playing with the idea of her motions being stiff if we made a 'cinematic' of her end choice and it's the bad end.
Ferret Reference
The times when the squirrels dart around is a good start for the ferret. Their movements are extremely quick and we could easily imagine that type of mobility with the ferret. Here is a clip from "Sword in the Stone."
Fox Reference
The running and jumping of the foxes in "Fox and the Hound" has more weight than the squirrel while still maintaining a swift quality. The stretch and squash comes across as far more fluid and graceful than the ferret. The end clip has them both jumping on a rock before the log and that motion in itself made us think of how the fox could set off traps. It doesn't linger, it darts after setting it because the soldiers are coming.
Soldier Reference
We would like to make the soldiers attacks/wolf attacks very snappy like the Halo kill animations. We feel like it'd give more impact compared to Arya's usual smooth actions and further emphasize that the violence does have an effect on her. Or at least have the contrast show she's a kid in a very unforgiving adult world.
Wolf Reference
This clip from "Balto" doesn't have animation per say, but that powerful imposing nature is definitely what we want in the wolf. Slower than the other animals but only to emphasize more 'weight'.
Arya Poses
Arya interacts with a soldier
Soldier Poses
Lighting Studies
Using store assets and proxy geo, we began exploring lighting schemes in UE4 trying to match the aesthetic of our art influence.
The challenge with our daytime study was to maintain the cooler colors in our Simon Kopp influence and at the same time show a risen sun with pools of light.
Concept Refinement
Character Line-up
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